One of the many wonderful things about Ft. Rucker is that for many Holidays they have these fun outdoor festivals with yummy food, games, and a ton of things for the kids, and for the Spring festival they even had an Easter egg hunt. Clark and Holly were in town for all of the festivities. Looking at these pictures makes me miss having them here with us. Ruby loved, loved, loved having Ella here. We did so many fun things. My next post will be of all of the fun days we spent at the beach. I took soooooo many pics while they were here this is going to take lots of different posts....But onto the Spring Festival....
The girls had fun with all the baby animals.
They got to hold the baby chicks
And pet a bunny while Clint held it
Surprisingly one of the things the kids loved the most was the Lowe's tent where they had little projects the kids could build.
I love how serious Ruby's face is in this picture.
After a while I could not get enough of watching the adults trying to figure out how to build these little kid projects. It was pretty hilarious.
Owen is the cutest little man ever. He just wanted to use his hammer. What a boy!!!
Before we left all the kids wanted to try the obstacle course.
So cute
It was a fun day and I am so glad we had family here to share it with.